Inventively theatrical, hilarious and creepy, 70 SCENES OF HALLOWEEN by Jeffrey M. Wright blends realism with psychological fantasy and a dollop of grisly horror. A suburban couple sits at home on Halloween watching TV, drinking and fighting, while mysterious masked beings float through the air. Part Sam Shepard’s Buried Child combined with 1980’s horror films wrapped in a post-modern twisted structure of a succession of quick scenes 70 SCENES OF HALLOWEEN is a wonderfully ingenious play that moves from a silly theatrically to intensely anguished scenes of a marriage dying. Director Dave Horak says “Edmonton Actors Theatre is known for highly theatrical shows that bend conventions and audience expectations and this play is no exception. It was a hit in the early 1990’s for the Chicago theatre company The Neo-Futurists who helped create Burning Bluebeard which we produced to great acclaim this past year. In a way, 70 SCENES OF HALLOWEEN is a prototype of the type of theatre that we’ve been exploring for the past few years.” Directed by Dave Horak and starring Edmonton theatre veterans Clinton Carew, Elena Porter, and introducing newcomers Gabriel Gagnon and Michaela Demeo. |